Hello My Name Is...
Jennifer Burrows
E-mail Mrs. Burrows
I have worked in the San Marcos Unified School District in a variety of jobs since 2001 and I have been here at San Marcos Elementary School since 2006. I have served as a classroom teacher, intervention teacher, instructional assistant, teacher liaison for the Boys and Girls Club, University Cooperating Teacher, Induction Support Provider, School Newspaper Leader, Writing Project Fellow, and Co-Choir Director. I have also had the opportunity to serve on many school and district committees. I have three children (two older high school girls and one son who is here at SME) and an amazing husband. I love organizing, singing, and dancing (with choreography). I am excited to meet my new colleagues and students for this upcoming school year!
Food: Chips and homemade salsa (I love making salsa with my kids)
Movie: Any musical (especially if it was on Broadway)
Book: Any book where I can learn how to do something new!
Color: Purple
Drink: Anything hot (coffee, tea, hot chocolate, cider, etc.)
Sport: I am more into dancing and singing!
Animal: Dogs
Hobbies: Choir, Church Children’s Worship Leader, Pilates, Pound (dancing with drumsticks), Refit (dancing for exercise)